API 2.0

Method: add

Parameters Descriptions
api_token Your API token
action Method Name
package ID of package
link Link to page
quantity Needed quantity
custom_data optional, needed for custom comments, mentions and other relaed packages only.
each separated by '\n', '\n\r'

Success Response:



Parameters Descriptions
api_token Your API token
action Method Name
order Order ID

Success Response:

                          "status": "Completed",
                          "start_counter": "600",
                          "remains": "600"

Method: balance

Parameters Descriptions
api_token Your API token
action Method Name

Example Response:

                          "balance": "100.78",
                          "currency": "USD"

Method: packages

Parameters Descriptions
api_token Your API token
action Method Name

Example Response:

                              "id": 101,
                              "service_id": 1,
                              "name": "Real & Active Followers - Best Server",
                              "rate": "250.00",
                              "min": "100",
                              "max": "100000",
                              "service": "Instagram Followers",
                              "type": "default",
                              "desc": "0-3 Hours Start | Full Link | 20 Days Refill\r\nLink Format:\r\nhttps://www.instagram.com/official_social_sale/"
                              "id": 107,
                              "service_id": 1,
                              "name": "Indian Mixed Followers",
                              "rate": "150.00",
                              "min": "200",
                              "max": "10000",
                              "service": "Instagram Followers",
                              "type": "default",
                              "desc": "0-12 Hours Start | Full Link |\r\nLink Format:\r\nhttps://www.instagram.com/official_social_sale/"
                              "id": 30067,
                              "service_id": 1,
                              "name": "Instagram Followers - Worldwide",
                              "rate": "103.00",
                              "min": "100",
                              "max": "10000",
                              "service": "Instagram Followers",
                              "type": "default",
                              "desc": "10k/day\r\nMax - 55k\r\n8 Hours Start"